Where is the data stored?

Our data is stored on Hetzner in Germany. You must conform to Germany's laws and Hetzner's policies in order to use this service. Heavily encrypted backups are stored with Backblaze in Europe in order to improve resiliency against data loss.

How do I use this service?

Once you have an account, you will be given information on how to setup your device to use the service as the file hosting platform. In case you're wondering, we do support Windows through ShareX and Linux/MacOS through owo.sh. Most other Pomf-compatible clients (multipart/formdata) for file uploads or Polr-compatible clients for link shortening are supported.

Private? Beta? I wanna upload NOW!

Currently we aren't accepting new users through a signup form, as we're still in beta and are constantly making improvements and updates to our infrastructure. We hope to be accepting users through a signup form in the future. If you want to try your luck at convincing Dean or Aurieh to give you an account over email, be our guest.

What's the maximum filesize I can upload?

Currently, the maximum filesize that the server will accept is 100MB. This limit applies per request, and up to three files can be uploaded in one request. This may be changed in the future, but currently we feel that this gives users enough room to upload what they want and not cause us to have to pay an overly large bill for storage and bandwidth.

What filetypes are allowed?

Previously, we only allowed extensions/mime-types that were in a whitelist. Now we allow all filetypes and mime-types. The Content-Type of the served content will be set to the Content-Type of the multipart field's Content-Type, but defaults to application/octet-stream if not supplied. All content is scanned immediately after upload, and every 48 hours.

How can I access files that have been uploaded to the service?

Our service serves content from many "vanity" URLs, all over HTTPS. File hosting shares the same domains as the link shortener. We don't have a control panel, yet, but it is planned.

This list is also available as a human-and-machine-readable list at https://whats-th.is/public-cdn-domains.txt. The changelog for this list can be found at https://whats-th.is/public-cdn-domains.changelog.txt.

You can find the service at:

  • awau.moe
  • bad-me.me
  • chito.ge
  • cumz.one
  • discord.coffee
  • fk.ci
  • i-make-memes-with.photobox.pw
  • is-fi.re
  • o.lol-sa.me
  • owo.foundation
  • owo.whats-th.is
  • pantsu.review
  • pls-fuck.me
  • quak.ovh
  • ram-ranch-really.rocks
  • totally-not.a-sketchy.site
  • uwu.foundation
  • uwu.whats-th.is
  • wolfgirl.party

Additionally, we have a few wildcarded subdomains:

  • *.are-la.me
  • *.are-pretty.sexy
  • *.are-really.cool
  • *.bad-me.me
  • *.banned.today
  • *.cumz.one
  • *.get-some.help
  • *.girlsare.life
  • *.is-a-bad-waifu.com
  • *.is-a-good-waifu.com
  • *.is-a-professional-domain.com
  • *.is-bad.com
  • *.is-fi.re
  • *.is-into.men
  • *.is-la.me
  • *.is-pretty.cool
  • *.is-pretty.sexy
  • *.is-serious.business
  • *.is-very.moe
  • *.might-be-super.fun
  • *.my-ey.es
  • *.needs-to-s.top
  • *.owo.foundation
  • *.pls-fuck.me
  • *.ratelimited.today
  • *.should-be.legal
  • *.uwu.foundation
  • *.work-for-an.agency

Some of these domains may be broken when you go to use them (they are donated, after all). You can visit status.owo.cloud for an up-to-date list monitoring whether or not a domain is working at the moment.

Wildcards can have anything thrown in front of them (as long as it doesn't contain an extra period!). For example, I can use owo.is-pretty.cool to access files on the file CDN, but I can't use whats.this.is-pretty.cool, because whats.this contains an extra period.

Visiting any of these links in your browser without a path will redirect you back to the homepage.

I don't like something hosted here. Can you remove it?

We're sorry to hear about that. If any images infringe on your rights or the rights of an entity you represent, please shoot us an email using the contact link below and we will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Make sure to provide us with the URL(s) of the content in question or we will be unable to find the files on our system.

Contact email

Please send valid abuse/DMCA reports to abuse@whats-th.is. Do not send account creation requests to this email.