# A public, machine-and-human-readable list of all the domains available for # accessing the whats-th.is CDN. CDN domains in this file are in alphabetical # order. # # Wildcards in this file are denoted by asterisks (*). Comment lines in this # file start with a pound sign (#). This file contains empty lines. # # Prefixes: # - default-files: the default files CDN endpoint # - default-links: the default link shortener CDN endpoint (and base URL # returned by API) # # The changelog for this file is in public-cdn-domains.changelog.txt. # Default CDN endpoints default-files:owo.whats-th.is default-links:awau.moe # Wildcarded file CDN endpoints *.are-la.me *.are-pretty.sexy *.are-really.cool *.bad-me.me *.banned.today *.cumz.one *.get-some.help *.girlsare.life *.is-a-bad-waifu.com *.is-a-good-waifu.com *.is-a-professional-domain.com *.is-bad.com *.is-fi.re *.is-into.men *.is-la.me *.is-pretty.cool *.is-pretty.sexy *.is-serious.business *.is-very.moe *.might-be-super.fun *.my-ey.es *.needs-to-s.top *.owo.foundation *.pls-fuck.me *.ratelimited.today *.should-be.legal *.uwu.foundation *.work-for-an.agency # Non-wildcarded CDN domains awau.moe bad-me.me chito.ge cumz.one discord.coffee fk.ci i-make-memes-with.photobox.pw is-fi.re o.lol-sa.me owo.foundation owo.whats-th.is pantsu.review pls-fuck.me quak.ovh ram-ranch-really.rocks totally-not.a-sketchy.site uwu.foundation uwu.whats-th.is wolfgirl.party